1.The abstract concept of economic man came from human nature so that this category must relate to morale and ethic principles.
2.Someone once told me a vivid and silly visualization can help people to understand an abstract concept. Let's see if it works. . .
3.A Web service is an abstract concept -- much like the concept of a conversation between people is a little abstract.
4.Russia: The rule of law in Russia is still something of an abstract concept.
5.Love is an abstract concept, only intentions can be read, it is not the language used to describe the feeling.
6.My daughter was excited by the abstract concept of a sister, but I was never sure how she would react to the real thing.
7.The snowboard element is attached to the abstract concept of the same name through expression within the schema annotation.
8.Conformity is not an abstract concept to these students. Two years ago, the bystander effect happened not far from here.
9.For many people manufacturing precision is an abstract concept with which they have no personal involvement.
10.According to cognitive metaphor theories, a metaphor is an important means to understand an abstract concept.